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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces   Codeforces


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
118 A - Johnny and Ancient Computer GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Jul/07/2022 20:00
117 A - Garden GNU C++17 implementation *900 Jul/07/2022 17:06
116 A - Raising Bacteria GNU C++17 bitmasks *1000 Jul/07/2022 14:47
115 A - Boy or Girl GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *800 Jul/06/2022 14:44
114 A - Another One Bites The Dust GNU C++17 greedy *800 Jul/06/2022 13:41
113 A - Omkar and Password GNU C++17 greedy math *800 Jul/05/2022 22:56
112 B - Mahmoud and a Triangle GNU C++17 constructive algorithms geometry greedy math number theory sortings *1000 Jul/05/2022 21:53
111 A - Asphalting Roads GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Jul/05/2022 20:46
110 A - Is it rated? GNU C++17 implementation sortings *900 Jul/05/2022 11:53
109 A - Case of the Zeros and Ones GNU C++17 greedy *900 Jul/05/2022 11:22
108 A - The Third Three Number Problem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *800 Jul/04/2022 20:20
107 A - Bus Game GNU C++17 greedy *1200 Jul/04/2022 18:23
106 A - Buses Between Cities GNU C++17 implementation *1600 Jul/04/2022 15:26
105 A - Sagheer and Crossroads GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jul/04/2022 10:24
104 B - AquaMoon and Stolen String GNU C++17 interactive math *1200 Jul/03/2022 14:22
103 A - Lucky Division GNU C++17 brute force number theory *1000 Jul/02/2022 23:51
102 B - New Year's Number GNU C++17 brute force dp math *900 Jul/02/2022 23:13
101 A - Young Physicist GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Jul/02/2022 22:05
100 A - cAPS lOCK GNU C++17 implementation strings *1000 Jul/02/2022 15:16
99 A - Chat room GNU C++17 greedy strings *1000 Jul/02/2022 13:37
98 B - Far Relative’s Problem GNU C++17 brute force *1100 Jul/02/2022 11:58
97 D - Prizes, Prizes, more Prizes GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jul/01/2022 22:12
96 B - Petya and Square GNU C++17 implementation math *1200 Jul/01/2022 14:17
95 A - Taymyr is calling you GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *800 Jul/01/2022 11:41
94 A - Andryusha and Socks GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jul/01/2022 10:13
93 A - Pineapple Incident GNU C++17 implementation math *900 Jun/30/2022 23:09
92 B - Limericks GNU C++17 *special problem math number theory Jun/30/2022 21:43
91 A - Is it rated? GNU C++17 *special problem Jun/30/2022 19:45
90 A - Theatre Square GNU C++17 math *1000 Jun/29/2022 23:52
89 A - Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence GNU C++17 constructive algorithms strings *1000 Jun/29/2022 00:00
88 A - Magic Spheres GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jun/27/2022 16:57
87 A - Vitya in the Countryside GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Jun/26/2022 10:07
86 A - Currency System in Geraldion GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1000 Jun/26/2022 09:21
85 A - Pashmak and Garden GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jun/26/2022 00:40
84 A - Initial Bet GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Jun/25/2022 23:29
83 A - Display The Number GNU C++17 greedy *900 Jun/24/2022 23:29
82 A - Visiting a Friend GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Jun/24/2022 21:05
81 A - Inna and Choose Options GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Jun/23/2022 12:47
80 B - Guess the Permutation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1100 Jun/23/2022 09:21
79 A - Infinite Sequence GNU C++17 math *1100 Jun/23/2022 00:02
78 A - Wrong Subtraction GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/21/2022 12:20
77 C - Alphabetic Removals GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jun/21/2022 11:41
76 A - Bachgold Problem GNU C++17 greedy implementation math number theory *800 Jun/21/2022 09:25
75 A - Important Exam GNU C++17 implementation strings *900 Jun/20/2022 23:20
74 A - Reachable Numbers GNU C++17 implementation *1100 Jun/20/2022 20:40
73 A - Punctuation GNU C++17 implementation strings *1300 Jun/19/2022 12:47
72 A - Rewards GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/19/2022 08:53
71 B - Bear and Finding Criminals GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1000 Jun/18/2022 14:30
70 A - Multiplication Table GNU C++17 implementation number theory *1000 Jun/18/2022 09:30
69 A - Wet Shark and Odd and Even GNU C++17 implementation *900 Jun/17/2022 20:58
68 A - Pangram GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Jun/17/2022 20:28
67 A - In Search of an Easy Problem GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/16/2022 07:43
66 E - Binary Deque GNU C++17 binary search implementation two pointers Jun/15/2022 21:35
65 F - 3SUM GNU C++17 brute force math Jun/15/2022 21:35
64 C - Where's the Bishop? GNU C++17 implementation Jun/15/2022 21:34
63 A - Marathon GNU C++17 implementation Jun/15/2022 21:33
62 B - All Distinct GNU C++17 greedy sortings Jun/15/2022 21:33
61 A - Cheap Travel GNU C++17 implementation *1200 Jun/15/2022 12:56
60 A - Beautiful Matrix GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/15/2022 10:58
59 A - Bit++ GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jun/15/2022 09:59
58 A - Next Round GNU C++14 *special problem implementation *800 Jun/15/2022 08:11
57 A - Way Too Long Words GNU C++14 strings *800 Jun/15/2022 07:09
56 D - The Clock GNU C++14 brute force implementation Jun/14/2022 22:21
55 C - Registration System GNU C++14 data structures hashing implementation *1300 Jun/14/2022 10:42
54 B - Phoenix and Puzzle GNU C++14 brute force geometry math number theory *1000 Jun/14/2022 09:40
53 B - Promo GNU C++14 greedy sortings Jun/13/2022 11:45
52 A - Parkway Walk GNU C++14 greedy implementation Jun/12/2022 20:41
51 A - Integer Moves GNU C++14 brute force math *800 Jun/12/2022 11:02
50 A - Lex String GNU C++14 brute force greedy implementation sortings two pointers *800 Jun/11/2022 10:32
49 A - Is it rated - 2 GNU C++14 *special problem implementation interactive *900 Jun/09/2022 22:28
48 A - Print a Pedestal (Codeforces logo?) GNU C++14 constructive algorithms greedy *800 Jun/09/2022 11:41
47 A - Plus One on the Subset GNU C++14 math *800 Jun/05/2022 09:01
46 A - Colorful Stones (Simplified Edition) GNU C++14 implementation *800 Jun/05/2022 08:19
45 A - Everything Everywhere All But One GNU C++14 greedy *800 Jun/05/2022 07:55
44 A - Holiday Of Equality GNU C++14 implementation math *800 Jun/05/2022 06:53
43 A - Sereja and Mugs GNU C++14 implementation *800 Jun/04/2022 20:05
42 A - Cirno's Perfect Bitmasks Classroom GNU C++14 bitmasks brute force *800 Jun/03/2022 22:46
41 A - Brain's Photos GNU C++14 implementation *800 Jun/03/2022 19:41
40 A - Hulk GNU C++14 implementation *800 Jun/02/2022 19:33
39 A - Digit Minimization GNU C++14 constructive algorithms games math strings *800 Jun/01/2022 08:16
38 A - Fake NP GNU C++14 greedy math *1000 Jun/01/2022 07:01
37 A - Beat The Odds GNU C++14 brute force greedy math *800 May/31/2022 20:22
36 B - Equal Candies GNU C++14 greedy math sortings *800 May/30/2022 12:03
35 A - Lucky? GNU C++14 implementation *800 May/30/2022 11:53
34 A - Dreamoon and Stairs GNU C++14 implementation math *1000 May/30/2022 10:52
33 A - Spy Detected! GNU C++14 brute force implementation *800 May/30/2022 08:12
32 B - Construct the String GNU C++14 constructive algorithms *900 May/29/2022 21:14
31 A - Ichihime and Triangle GNU C++14 constructive algorithms math *800 May/28/2022 10:47
30 A - Chewbaсca and Number GNU C++14 greedy implementation *1200 May/28/2022 09:52
29 B - Multiply by 2, divide by 6 GNU C++14 math *900 May/28/2022 08:12
28 A - Candies GNU C++14 brute force math *900 May/27/2022 23:59
27 A - String Task GNU C++14 implementation strings *1000 May/20/2022 16:56
26 A - Vasya and Socks Python 3 brute force implementation math *900 May/18/2021 11:55
25 A - Ilya and Bank Account Python 3 implementation number theory *900 May/18/2021 11:40
24 A - Game With Sticks Python 3 implementation *900 Apr/16/2021 18:14
23 A - Gravity Flip Python 3 greedy implementation sortings *900 Apr/15/2021 16:47
22 A - Even Odds Python 3 math *900 Apr/13/2021 16:04
21 A - Kefa and First Steps Python 3 brute force dp implementation *900 Apr/09/2021 19:06
20 A - HQ9+ Python 3 implementation *900 Apr/09/2021 10:50
19 A - Football Python 3 implementation strings *900 Apr/08/2021 00:58
18 A - George and Accommodation Python 3 implementation *800 Apr/02/2021 02:17
17 A - Anton and Danik Python 3 implementation strings *800 Mar/31/2021 23:33
16 A - Beautiful Year Python 3 brute force *800 Mar/31/2021 23:11
15 A - Translation Python 3 implementation strings *800 Mar/30/2021 22:38
14 A - Nearly Lucky Number Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/30/2021 03:10
13 B - Queue at the School Python 3 constructive algorithms graph matchings implementation shortest paths *800 Mar/28/2021 23:41
12 A - Word Python 3 implementation strings *800 Mar/14/2021 16:29
11 A - Tram Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/11/2021 23:51
10 A - Elephant Python 3 math *800 Mar/09/2021 01:17
9 A - Bear and Big Brother Python 3 implementation *800 Mar/05/2021 01:12
8 A - Soldier and Bananas Python 3 brute force implementation math *800 Mar/03/2021 22:46
7 A - Stones on the Table Clang++17 Diagnostics implementation *800 Mar/03/2021 21:12
6 A - Word Capitalization Python 3 implementation strings *800 Mar/01/2021 23:33
5 A - Helpful Maths Python 3 greedy implementation sortings strings *800 Feb/26/2021 22:47
4 A - Petya and Strings Python 3 implementation strings *800 Feb/25/2021 21:40
3 A - Domino piling Python 3 greedy math *800 Feb/25/2021 00:05
2 A - Team Python 3 brute force greedy *800 Feb/24/2021 23:23
1 A - Watermelon Python 3 brute force math *800 Feb/22/2021 23:12