
A simple todo list in pure javascript. not frameworks or libraries. Client side only for now.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple todo list in pure javascript as an exercise in learning to program. No frameworks or libraries. Client side only for now.

Teaching myself pure javascript so I'm making a todo list. Right now its all client-side but eventually I want to add local storage to learn about it, and then move on to plugging this bad boy to a database.

online demo: conquerjs.com/todo

####Things left to do:

  • [ x ] CSS media queries to optimize appearance on different devices.
  • [ x ] When you click on a crossed out item, it brings it back to the top.
  • Double-clicking a task expands a text area below the task where one can add notes about that specific task.
  • If a task has a note, double-clicking reveals the note, with a button beside it to edit the note or delete it.
  • A counter that shows how many tasks are complete or incomplete.