
TE-dependent analysis of multi-echo fMRI

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


TE-dependent analysis (tedana) is a Python module for denoising multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.

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tedana originally came about as a part of the ME-ICA pipeline. The ME-ICA pipeline orignially performed both pre-processing and TE-dependent analysis of multi-echo fMRI data; however, tedana now assumes that you're working with data which has been previously preprocessed. If you're in need of a pre-processing pipeline, we recommend fmriprep which has been tested for compatibility with multi-echo fMRI data and tedana.

Why Multi-Echo?

Multi-echo fMRI data is obtained by acquiring multiple TEs (commonly called echo times) for each MRI volume during data collection. While fMRI signal contains important neural information (termed the blood oxygen-level dependent, or BOLD signal), it also contains "noise" (termed non-BOLD signal) caused by things like participant motion and changes in breathing. Because the BOLD signal is known to decay at a set rate, collecting multiple echos allows us to assess whether components of the fMRI signal are BOLD- or non-BOLD. For a comprehensive review, see Kundu et al. (2017), NeuroImage.

In tedana, we take the time series from all the collected TEs, combine them, and decompose the resulting data into components that can be classified as BOLD or non-BOLD. This is performed in a series of steps including:

  • Principal components analysis
  • Independent components analysis
  • Component classification

More information and documentation can be found at https://tedana.readthedocs.io/.


You'll need to set up a working development environment to use tedana. To set up a local environment, you will need Python >=3.6 and the following packages will need to be installed:


You can then install tedana with

pip install tedana

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