- npm package to validate Swagger definitions or OpenAPI definitions
You can validate API definition(s) using either validation level 1 or 2;
- Validation level 1: validate API definition(s) as in WSO2 API Manager 4.2.0 when Relaxed Validation enabled
- Validation level 2: validate API definition(s) as in WSO2 API Manager 4.2.0
Use Node version 16
Clone this repo and run the following commnds
npm i
npm link
Validate provided Swagger or OpenAPI definition
swagger-linter_420 -f [path to API definition JSON or YAML] -l [validation level 1 or 2]
Validate a directory of Swagger definitions and/or OpenAPI definitions
swagger-linter_420 -d [path to directory with API definitions] -l [validation level 1 or 2]
(URL : https://www.npmjs.com/package/swagger-linter_420)
Open a terminal in your working directory. Follow the below steps using node version 16
Install the npm package using the command
npm i swagger-linter_420
Enter the following command
npm link swagger-linter_420
Tryout the tool using the following commands providing appropriate values for file/directory path and validation level :
i. If you are validating a single file :
swagger-linter_420 -f [path to API definition JSON or YAML] -l [validation level 1 or 2]
ii. If you are validating a directory of openAPI files :
swagger-linter_420 -d [path to directory with API definitions] -l [validation level 1 or 2]