Embedded Project
How to
- Use contiki instant virtual machine, start cooja simulator, create one mote type (Z1) using the file node.c as firmware and another type using gateway.c.
- Place the gateway mote on the grid and at least one node mote, put them in range of each other and click start.
MQTT part
- Install Mosquitto MQTT broker.
- Start broker with
command. - Subscribe to a topic using command
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "topic" -v
. - Publish messages using the commande
mosquitto_pub -m "test" -t "topic"
To do
- Find a way to avoid loop in the graph.
- Keep routing table of node consistant.
- MQTT part.
- Ping system to check if a node is still in range.
- Subrscriber and publish system for node network.
- Improving perfomance somehow.
- Script to interface the gateway mote with MQTT broker (send publish message from serial to MQTT broker);
- Make node configurable to choose parent with hops or signal strength.
- Sensor data sending system.
- Refactor.
- Fix serial bug (when sending a message to the gateway, the message have to be sent twice, the first time send garbage for an unknown reason).
Uploading to hardware
sudo adduser $USER dialout
and then relog (let user access USB devices)make TARGET=z1 all
(Compile)make TARGET=z1 node.upload
andmake TARGET=z1 gateway.upload
(Upload to device, to select specific device use the argumentMOTES=/dev/ttyUSB0
)- If needed, burn a new MAC and node id using the command
make clean && make burn-nodeid.upload nodeid=158 nodemac=158 && make z1-reset && make login
(158 can be replace with the desired ID), then reburn the program to be used. - To read and write into serial
~/contiki/tools/sky/serialdump-linux -b115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
. Baud rate for Z1 devices is 115200.