
Java Program utilising DSA and validations

Primary LanguageJava

Developed By: Rushabh Pancholi,

Project Definition: This program will allow staff at Nemo Reef Tours to compute the cost of a group of passengers to take the tour.

Project Scope: This system will be used by company to help the working employees to determine the charges.

Tools Used: JAVA

Project Diagrams:

Application illustration shot:

System Menu:

Enter Booking name:

Enter Number of passengers:

Validation for Booking Name:

Validation for Passenger Count:

Validation for Entered passengers less than 1:

Validation for Maximum booking entry:

Display booking details on successful entry:

Ensure at least one booking has been entered for display all:

Ensure at least one booking has been entered for display all:

Ensure at least one booking has been entered for display statistics:

Ensure at least one booking has been entered for search booking:

Ensure at least one booking has been entered for sort booking:

Display all booking names, number of passengers and charges:

Display statistics:

Search for a booking:

If search is successful display the details about the booking:

If search is unsuccessful display an appropriate message:

Sort the bookings :

Welcome and exit message: