Improvising on yang et als papaer - Extracting Commonsense Properties with Limited Human Guidance

Primary LanguagePython

Run as follows:

python train.py -embeddings_type <> -dim <> -dataset <> -task <> -num_epochs <> -dropout <> -initial_lr <>

values of arguments:

-embeddings_type: lstm, glove or  word2vec
-dim: 300 for word2vec and glove, 1024 for lstm
-dataset: verb_physics or PCE or special_words
-task: three_way, four_way or one-pole
-num_epochs: about 200 is enough
-dropout: default is 0.5, recommend not to change
-initial_lr: default is 0.05, may need to change to 0.1 or 0.01

additional flags
-no_reverse: PCE(no-reverse)
-remove_NA: Ignore examples with invalid comparisons
-remove_sim: Ignore examples with similar comparisons
-zero_shot: For Zero shot learning