Movie Recommendation System

This is an ML project that uses KNN (K nearest neighbors) [k = 4] algorithm to recommend movies to a user based on features such as ratings, cast, crew, etc. It uses NLP methods to make the text data ready for the model.

👨‍💻 Techstack

  • Flask
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • Tailwind
  • Python

My Skills

💻 Code setup

Clone the code repository

git clone

Create a virtual environment

Run the commands from the base folder

python -m venv env_name
env_name/scripts/activate (for Windows)
pip install -r requirements.txt

Modify the API keys in the environment variable file (.env) After this run the following commands from the base folder

SECRET_KEY=" mention any secret key "
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="your client id"
MAIL_USERNAME=" your email"
MAIL_PASSWORD=" your password "
NEWS_API_KEY=" your news API Key "

Create a client_secret.json file and alter it according to your google account

        "client_id":"your project URL",
        "auth_provider_x509_cert_url":"","client_secret":"your secret key",

Setup Flask app



  1. Google account authentication
  2. Movie recommendation
  3. View the Training data set
  4. Get Real-time entertainment news
  5. Working feedback Mail system
  6. UI: Light and dark mode config


Team members