Student @ IIIT Vadodara | AI Enthusiast


IIIT Vadodara student currently pursuing Masters in Artificial Intelligence. I have knowledge in software development with 7+ months of experience in field of python, Django, frontend, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Looking forward to use my skills in development of efficient softwares and contribute in the growth of the company.

I would love to work or contribute on projects which are based on Machine Learning and Computer Vision which are impactful to solve real life problems!


  • MTech @ Indian Institute of Engineering and Technology Vadodara [09/2023 to 07/2025]
  • B.E @ L.J Institute of Engineering and Technology [09/2019 to 05/2023]


  • Teaching Assistant @ IIITV [09/2023 to Present]
  • Django Developer @ Sarva Suvidhaen Private Limited [09/2023 to 10/2023]
    • Remote Internship. Contributed in the ongoing project named as CMS and Gyan. My responsibilities were to create several APIs, backend coding, API testing, creating frontend pages using HTML and CSS.
  • Inter @ Tech-A-Intern [07/2023 to 08/2023]
    • Joined as an intern in AI and done several projects. Github
  • AI Intern @ IBM [06/2023 to 07/2023]
    • Virtual Internship. This internship was in partnered with AICTE and Edunet Foundation. At the end of the internship I created a Mental Fitness Tracker.
  • Python Intern @ Arth Infosoft Private Limited [01/2023 to 04/2023]
    • Project on Time Tracking Application - Created the time tracking web application where project manager can create projects and schedule task for developers and Developer can submit the given task as per schedule.
  • Python Intern @ Grownited Private Limited [06/2022 to 07/2022]
    • Project on E-Commerce Website - Created a shopping website where user can log in, register, and view products


AI/ML/DS Skills Development Skills Other Skills
Numpy HTML C
Pandas CSS CPP
Matplotlib JS Git
Python Django GitHub
Seaborn Bootstrap Java
OpenCV PostgreSQL PostMan
Tensorflow MS Office