Dapp is running on the mainnet fork in local machine.
- Supply eth to Compound Protocol
- Borrow stable coin from Compound Protocol (against eth supplied)
- Buy eth on Uniswap with this borrowed stable coin
- hold until eth price goes up
- Sell eth on Uniswap, in exchange of stable coin
- Repay borrowed stable coin to Compound(along with borrow interest)
- Keep the difference(and interests earned on Compound) as profits
- Profits will be in stable coin (can be exchanged)
- Supply stable coin to Compound Protocol
- Borrow eth from Compound Protocol
- Buy stable coin on Uniswap with this borrowed eth
- hold until eth price goes down
- Sell stable coin on Uniswap, in exchange of eth
- Repay borrowed eth to Compound(along with borrow interest)
- Keep the difference(and interests earned on Compound) as profits
- Profits will be in eth (can be exchanged)
Imports(for both the contracts):
- @openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol
- Compound
- interface CErc20
- interface CEth
- interface Comptroller
- interface PriceFeed
- Uniswap
- interface IUniswapV2Router
Contracts used(for both the contracts):
- CEth
- CErc20 (cDai)
- IERC20 (DAI)
- Comptroller
- PriceFeed
- IUniswapV2Router
- IERC20 (weth)
- constructor(address _cEth, address _cTokenBorrow, address _tokenBorrow, uint256 _decimals){}
- contract pointer assignments
- entering the Ceth market to supply ETH
- assgining owner to deployer
- receive() external payable {}
- modifier onlyOwner() {}
- function supply() external payable {}
- supply eth to compound and get ceth
- function getMaxBorrow() public view returns (uint256) {}
- getting account liquidity (using comptroller)
- getting price of DAI (using pricefeed)
- returns max borrow - (liquidity) / (dai price)
- function goLong_ETH(uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 uniswapTransactionDeadline) external onlyOwner {}
- borrow DAI
- approve uniswapRouter to take all DAI from contract address
- swapind all DAI for eth on uniswap
- function claimProfits(uint256 uniswapTransactionDeadline) external onlyOwner{}
- sell all eth from contract address on uniswap for DAI
- get current borrowed balance on compound (using ctoken/cDai), borrowed balance + interest on borrow
- approving cDai to spend all DAI from contract address
- repaying borrow
- get current balance of underlying(eth) supplied to compound (using ctoken/ceth), supplied balance + interest on supply
- redeem underlying
- function withdraw_DAI() external onlyOwner {}
- withdraw DAI(profits) to contract deploywer's address
- function getSuppliedBalance() external returns (uint256) {}
- returns balance of underlying supplied to compound (using ctoken/ceth), supplied balance + interest on supply
- function getBorrowBalance() external returns (uint256) {}
- returns borrow balance (suing ctoken/cDai), borrowed balance + interest on borrow
- function getAccountLiquidity() external view returns (uint256 liquidity, uint256 shortfall) {}
- returns account liquidity and shortfall (using comptroller)
(uses another contract swapETHforDAI.sol, to swap eth for dai)
- constructor (address _cEth, address _cDAI, address _DAI, uint256 _decimals) {}
- contract pointer assignments
- entering the CDai market
- assgining owner to deployer
- receive() external payable {}
- modifier onlyOwner() {}
- function supply(uint256 amountDAI) external payable {}
- approve cDai to spend all DAI from contract address
- supply DAI to compound and get cDai
- function getMaxBorrow() public view returns (uint256) {}
- same as contractLong, but this time pricefeed is used to get price of ceth
- function goShort_ETH( uint256 borrowAmount, uint256 uniswapTransactionDeadline) external onlyOwner {}
- borrow eth (using ceth)
- swap al the borrowed eth on uniswap for as many DAI as possible
- function claimProfits(uint256 uniswapTransactionDeadline) external onlyOwner {}
- approve uniswap router to spend all DAI from contract balance
- exchange all DAI for ETH
- get current borrow balance (using ceth), borrowed balance + interest on borrow
- repay the borrow
- get current balance of underlying (DAI) supplied, supplied balance + interest on supply
- redeem underlying
- function withdraw_ETH() external onlyOwner {}
- transfer all eth from contract balance to contract deployer
- function getSuppliedBalance() external returns (uint256) {}
- returns balance of underlying (using cDai), supplied balance + interest on supply
- function getBorrowBalance() external returns (uint256) {}
- returns borrow balance (using ceth), borrowed balance + interest on borrow
- function getAccountLiquidity() external view returns (uint256 liquidity, uint256 shortfall) {}
- returns account liquidity and shortfall (using comptroller)