
A Study Progress Monitor System is a distributed Java application that allows the student to register and login into the system, and check their grades in each enrolled units. Similarly, Administrator can log in into the system and mark grade for particular units in each enrolled unit

Primary LanguageJava

Study Progress Monitor System (SPMS) (JAVA)

Application to manage students’ grades allowing administrators to add students, enrol subjects with assessments, set grade, and parents/students to access the stored details.

Developed By:

Rushabh Pancholi, Abhishek Ejam

Project Definition:

Application built using conecpts of networking, inter-process communication, remote invocation, efficient algorithms, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling and multi threading.

Features of System:

All users accessing the SPMS should able to view the following data:

  1. Register by entering a user name and password
  2. Securely login by entering a UserId and Password
  3. List of assessments for a chosen subject
  4. Grades of assessments for a student

Administrator should be able to access the SPMS to:

  1. Set grade for a chosen student and subject
  2. Add a student


Step 1: Open two console (terminal)

Step 2: In first terminal:
type javac -cp . *.java
type java -cp . Server
Step 3: In second terminal
type java -cp . Client

Application Diagrams:

Architecture: User gives input towards client side and sends a request to the server and receives a response. The server interacts with the database to process the request and obtains a result in response.

Workflow: The user starts the application redirected to the login and registration menu. Further, depending on the functionality selection, the action is performed. Further four functionalities are available for operation. Selecting operation 1 user will be prompted to input the subject, recording the input query execution will take place responding the user with the result. Further user will be redirected to the main menu allowing to execute other operation. Like operation 1 the corresponding actions and execution will take place for operation 2, 3 and 4. The new operation 4 is available only for administrator which allows adding the students into system. The operation 5 is exit functionality which can be selected by pressing 0 which, further closes the running application.

Class Diagram: All the systems classes, their attributes, and methods can be seen in the diagram. Client, Server and DatabaseUtility are major class and other are domain classes.

Application illustration:

User registration and login: Selecting user registration to register student. Entering passowrd for student. Receiving ID for student. Selecting login for administrator login. Entering user id and password. Further, receiving main menu.

Assessment as per subject: Operation selection input and displaying the available subjects. Subject name input and display result:

Grades of assessment as per student: Login as admin and view grade of student. Initially select function to view grade. Next, select student whose grade to be displayed. Further, select subject. Upon selecting all things correctly, corresponding grade will be displayed.

Update grade as per student and subject: Selecting the set grade option. Next, selecting student and subject for which grade need to be updated. Then, selecting assessment and grade wich needs to be updated. Receiving the success message for setting the grade. Lastly, viewing the grade after successfully updating with required steps.

Add student (for administrator): Selecting the add student functionality from menu. Only available to administrators. Further entering the student name year level in correct format. At least, receiving the success message of adding the student.

Multi-Threading: Thread creation for multiple clients simultaneously:

Close the application: Exiting the client application: