
Ansible role for building Debian packages (.deb files) for distributing installers

Primary LanguageJinja

Build Debian package Ansible role

Ansible role for building Debian packages from local files. Supports configuration of control fields via a dict var.

Role Variables

build_debian_package_local_directory: build

# Used with synchronize module. All files within the specified directory
# will be copied into the build directory for packaging. Filetrees are preserved.
# Directories will be copied and merged in the order they are declared.
# Format should be a list of dicts with "src" and "dest" attributes.
# Set "dest" to an empty string to add the files to the base build directory.
build_debian_package_files_directories: []

# Simple files to to copy. Again, use a dict with "src" and "dest" attributes.
build_debian_package_extra_files: []

  - build-essential
  - gcc-4.8
  - make

# List of filepaths that will be removed from the package tree prior to building.
# It's safer to remove as a separate task than to use an rsync filter.
build_debian_package_unwanted_files: []

# List of system packages to install on the build host prior to building.
build_debian_package_extra_dependencies: []

# DEBIAN/control fields for package. Some are required, some recommended.
# See here for details: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
# Note that several fields such as Conflicts, Depends, and Removes are expected
# to be lists, rather than strings. See `vars/main.yml` for more info.
  Package: dummy-package
  Version: 0.1
  Priority: optional
  Architecture: amd64
  Maintainer: SomeOrganization
  Description: This is an empty Debian package.

# Build directories.
build_debian_package_directory: /tmp/{{ build_debian_package_control_fields.Package }}-{{ build_debian_package_control_fields.Version }}-{{ build_debian_package_control_fields.Architecture }}
build_debian_package_deb_file: "{{ build_debian_package_directory }}.deb"

# Support for pip wheel archives. Skipped by default. Paths should be relative
# to the Debian package files, and will be concatenated with the build directory.
# Both vars must be defined.
build_debian_package_pip_requirements: ""
build_debian_package_pip_wheel_directory: ""

# Force ownership of files prior to building. Passed in as rsync flags
# to the `synchronize` module. Setting "root" as default, with the assumption
# of system packages. Chmod options to rsync also force D755 and Fo-w
build_debian_package_owner_username: root
build_debian_package_group_username: root

Example Playbook

- name: Build Debian package.
  hosts: buildserver
  become: yes
      - emacs
      - vim
    - role: freedomofpress.build-debian-package
        Package: wizard-hat
        Version: 0.7.2
        Priority: optional
        Architecture: amd64
        Depends: "{{ deb_package_dependencies|join(',') }}"
        Maintainer: Yours Truly
        Description: A wizard's true power lies in knowing the names of things.
      tags: build

The example above lists only dependencies and no files, creating a metapackage.

Further Reading

The following resources were invaluable in creating this role.
