Quicksilver Testnet Node Installation Guide

1. System Requirements

Before starting, ensure your server meets the following minimum requirements:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 or higher
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Storage: 250GB SSD
  • CPU: 4 cores
  • Bandwidth: High-speed internet connection

2. Update and Install Required Dependencies

Update the package lists and install essential packages.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl build-essential git wget jq make gcc -y

3. Install Go

Quicksilver requires Go to build from the source. Install Go as follows:

wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.20.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Verify Go installation:

go version

4. Clone the Quicksilver Repository

Download the Quicksilver source code and checkout the latest testnet branch:

git clone https://github.com/ingenuity-build/quicksilver.git
cd quicksilver
git checkout v1.4.0
make build

Move the binary to your executable path:

sudo mv ./build/quicksilverd /usr/local/bin/

Verify the installation by checking the version:

quicksilverd version

5. Initialize the Node

Set up the configuration for your node:

quicksilverd init <YOUR_MONIKER> --chain-id quicksilver-testnet-12

Replace <YOUR_MONIKER> with your desired node name.

6. Download the Genesis File

Fetch the genesis file required for the testnet:

wget -O ~/.quicksilverd/config/genesis.json "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ingenuity-build/testnets/main/quicksilver-testnet-12/genesis.json"

7. Set Up Peers and Seeds

Add peers and seeds to the configuration file. Open config.toml:

nano ~/.quicksilverd/config/config.toml

Locate the persistent_peers and seeds sections, then add the following:

persistent_peers = "PEER_LIST_HERE"
seeds = "SEED_LIST_HERE"

Make sure to replace PEER_LIST_HERE and SEED_LIST_HERE with actual peer and seed addresses. You can find these from community forums or explorers.

8. Configure Pruning and Minimum Gas Prices

To optimize disk usage and set the minimum gas price, edit the app.toml:

nano ~/.quicksilverd/config/app.toml

Set pruning:

pruning = "custom"
pruning-keep-recent = "100"
pruning-interval = "10"

Set the minimum gas price (recommended: 0.0001uqck):

minimum-gas-prices = "0.0001uqck"

9. Configure State Sync (Optional)

If you want to use state sync, edit config.toml:

nano ~/.quicksilverd/config/config.toml

Uncomment and update the following lines:

enable = true
rpc_servers = "<STATE_SYNC_RPC_SERVERS>"
trust_height = <TRUST_HEIGHT>
trust_hash = "<TRUST_HASH>"

Replace placeholders with correct values from a trusted state sync provider.

10. Start the Node

You are now ready to start your Quicksilver node:

quicksilverd start

To run the node in the background, you can use systemd.

11. Create a Systemd Service

Create a systemd service file:

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/quicksilverd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Quicksilver Node

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/quicksilverd start


Reload the systemd daemon, enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable quicksilverd
sudo systemctl start quicksilverd

Check logs to ensure everything is working:

sudo journalctl -u quicksilverd -f

12. Create a Wallet

Create a new wallet by running:

quicksilverd keys add <WALLET_NAME>

Make sure to securely store the generated mnemonic.

13. Request Testnet Tokens

Once your node is running, you can request testnet tokens from a faucet or by following instructions in the community channels.