Official implementation of Object-level Geometric Structure Preserving for Natural Image Stitching

Primary LanguageC++


Official implementation of Object-level Geometric Structure Preserving for Natural Image Stitching. [arXiv].


  1. Compile Opencv 4.4.0, VLFEAT and Eigen locally.

  2. Create a new Visual Studio .sln, and add all .cpp and .h files into this .sln.

  3. Set HED file paths in EdgeDetection.cpp.


A sample image pair is provided in ./input-data/AANAP-01_skyline. Our proposed dataset will be released soon.

Segment Anything Model Script

Run .sln and you will find 0-original.png in the ./ folder. Upload the image to Google Colab and run sam.ipynb to get SAM features and put it in ./ folder.


For any questions, please feel free to start an issue.

  title={Object-level Geometric Structure Preserving for Natural Image Stitching},
  author={Cai, Wenxiao and Yang, Wankou},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.12677},