
Myself written Hello World! on assembler language

Primary LanguageShell

Welcome to my x86_64 Hello World repo!

License: GPL v3

Where included myself written "Hello World!" on assembly language.


  • Fast work even crap i386-compatible PC
  • Can write "Hello World!" in terminal. Cool!
  • Don't need any dependencies (except for building)
  • Support a lot of different OS
  • Completly free and opensource


In first, clone repo by git clone https://github.com/Russanandres/Hello-World-Assembler
And then:

cd Hello-World-Assembler
chmod +x ./hello_world

Or just download hello_world binary file from here and run it via previous code.


You can build it automaticly with makefile.sh, just do:

chmod +x ./makefile.sh

Or use nasm and ld for build hello world yourself!

nasm -f elf32 -o hello_world.o hello_world.asm 
ld -m elf_i386 -o hello_world hello_world.o

Makefile settings

Makefile.sh have a few little running arguments:

  • -o OR --output $filename - saves file to different name or directory
  • -i OR --input $filename - tries to build from different asm source code
  • -c OR --cleanup - removes temporary files while building gone


Made by Russanandres. 2023-2024