
This is the code repository for reproducing analyses in the paper: CRISPR-Cas systems are widespread accessory elements across bacterial and archaeal plasmids

Primary LanguageR

CRISPR-Cas on Plasmids

This is the code repository for reproducing analyses in the paper:

CRISPR-Cas systems are widespread accessory elements across bacterial and archaeal plasmids


  • See Conda/*.yml files for most software
  • BLAST 2.8.1+
  • CRISPRCasFinder 4.2.17
  • R 3.6.3
    • ape 5.3
    • foreach 1.5.0
    • ggplot2 3.3.0
    • MASS 7.3-51.6
    • mixtools 1.2.0
    • eulerr 6.1.0
    • indicspecies 1.7.9


  • 0xx: Downloading and preparation

    • 000_archaea.sh - Archaeal plasmids
    • 001_download.sh - Download PLSDB info and plasmid sequences
    • 002_host_information.py - Get assembly info for plasmids
    • 003_assembly_information.py - Download assembly reports
    • 004_host_table.py - Create table connecting plasmids and their chromosome hosts
    • 005_download_host.sh - Download host chromosome sequences
    • 006_prodigal_plasmids.sh - Find ORFs for plasmids
    • 007_prodigal_hosts.sh - Find ORFs for chromosomes
    • 008_mobtyper.sh - Mobility and Inc typing of plasmids
    • 009_genepos.sh - Get positions of high confidence ORFs
    • 010_dbDownload.sh - Get CRISPR repeat db
    • 011_tax.sh - Taxonomy of chromosomes
    • 012_drep.sh - Dereplicate plasmids
    • 013_size.sh - Sizes of sequences
  • 1xx: CRISPRs

    • 101_CRISPRFinder.sh - Run CRISPRFinder
    • 102_extract_crispr.sh - Extract CRISPR tables
    • 103_crispy_stats.py - Calculate stats for CRISPRs
    • 104_orf_overlap.py - Determine overlap with ORFs (not very efficient...)
    • 105_crisprtab.sh - Combine all in one table
    • 120_crisprsubset.sh - Subset CRISPRs based on decision tree
    • 121_mask.sh - Mask the sequences
    • 122_repeatmatch.sh - BLAST repeats against masked sequences
    • 123_repeatmatch.py - Combine BLAST results into putative CRISPRs
    • 124_orf_array.py - Determine if new CRISPRs overlap with ORFs
    • 125_extract.sh - Extract new CRISPRs of good quality
    • 126_mask_again.sh - Re-mask the sequences for spacer-matching later
    • 127_repeat_sim.py - Calculate repeat similarity for typing CRISPRs distant to cas operons
  • 2xx Cas Operons

    • 200_castyping.sh - Run CCTyper to find cas operons
    • 201_cas_tab.sh - Collect cas operons
  • 3xx CRISPR-Cas

    • 300_crispr_cas.sh - Combine CRISPR and cas
    • 301_addtype.sh - Predict the subtype based on CRISPR repeat sequence
  • 4xx Spacers

    • 400_spacers.sh - Get spacers from CRISPRFinder results
    • 401_spacers_new_arrays.sh - Get spacers from new arrays
    • 402_combine.sh - Combine all spacers
    • 403_spacer_match.sh - Download virus genomes and submit spacer matching scripts
    • 404/405/406/407_spacer_plsdb/hosts/archaea/archaea_hosts.qsh - Spacer matching script for computing cluster
    • 408_spacers.sh - Collect spacer results and filter by E-value
    • 409_spacers.sh - Get only ORF matching spacer matches
  • 900_collect.sh - Collect files for analysis in R

  • R/*.R - R scripts for statistics and figures