Apryse PDF generator

Minimum working example for testing Apryse PDF generation with annotations on client and server.

The issue(s)

  • document.loadCanvas does not return a canvas
  • On MacOS, downloading the PDF (with annotations) from the webviewer and generating a PDF with the Python SDK produce different outputs.


  1. Initialise a virtual environment

    python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate

  2. Install python requirements

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Create env variable with apryse license

    touch .env && echo "LICENSE=<key>" >> .env

  4. Run flask application

    python server.py

    OR in docker container

    docker build -t pdf-test . && docker run -p 8000:8000 pdf-test

Create new image with annotations applied

  1. Open browser to to interact with Apryse webviwer. This loads and displays./test_img.jpeg

  2. Click Save Image

NB: This is currently broken. See browser console for error

Generate PDF with annotations on server

  1. Open browser to to interact with Apryse webviwer. This loads and displays./test_img.jpeg

  2. Add some annotations and click Export Annotations. This will save the xfdf sting of the annotations to ./annotations.xml

  3. Click Generate PDF . This will convert ./test_img.jpeg and add ./annotations.xml using the Apryse Python SDKs. Result is saved in output.pdf

  4. Click Download PDF to view the generated pdf

Directory structure

├── templates
│   └── index.html    # HTML and javascript for WebViewer UI
├── .gitignore
├── annotations.xml   # Exported annotations
├── convert.py        # Logic to convert image to PDF with annotations
├── Dockerfile
├── output.pdf        # Generated PDF
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── server.py         # Flask server
└── test_img.jpeg     # Test image