A full stack, task / ticket manager based around JIRA. Note: Currently in progress. Nearly completed. Some styling issues and a little rafactoring remains.
Link to my initial design: https://xd.adobe.com/view/00f89d78-609e-49c1-8902-03b24dc1918f-55ab/.
- React
- Node.js / Express
- Typescript
- TypeORM
- Github Actions
- Styled Components
- Nginx
- Axios
- etc..
- JavaScript / Typescript
Users can:
- Created jobs
- Assign jobs to other members
- Create and join projects
- Edit tasks
- Delete tasks
- Account functions such as; change password etc
- Drag and drop tasks to move them
- Mobile responsive
- More comming
Project is: In progress. Nearly finished.
Project was created so I could create a more complex front end.
Created by @RussellCarey - feel free to contact me about the project