
A perl script that automates the scraping of PTP related network data from wigle.net

Primary LanguagePerl


A perl script that automates the scraping of PTP related network data from wigle.net

The script is currently broken, in that it fails to follow up query results that return only the first 100 responses. One of the queries currently returns about 800. The script needs to grab the "next" link until there are no more results.

To function, the user must provide their own auth cookie string and sid code near the top of the script. These can be found by registering a wigle account and then sniffing a browser sesssion. It may be necessary or helpful to turn off gzip compression in your browser prior to doing so, unless wireshark has become more clever than when I did it last.

The ptp-bssid-with-notes file is a tab-delimited version the current state of our node data suitable for integration with an existing wiki page:


Yes, this is incredibly hacky. However, it was effective.