
A remote PowerShell IDE and terminal for the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A PowerShell IDE and terminal for the browser

This is a proof-of-concept PowerShell IDE/terminal for the browser, built with Node.js. Theoretically, if Powershell is installed on a Linux or macOS device, this app should work. It can be used to demonstrate vulnerabilities and remote Powershell execution capabilities. It should not be used for anything else.

Powershell IDE screenshot 1 Powershell IDE screenshot 2 Powershell IDE screenshot 3

The app consists of two tabs, a terminal and a script pane. When you run the code in the script pane, the output appears in a modal pop-up.

In the script pane, press ctrl+space for autocomplete.

To try it out, clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/RussellWebSystems/powershell-ide.git

Install the node module dependencies:

cd powershell-ide && npm install

Run the app:

node server.js

And finally, go to http://localhost:7979/ in your web browser.