
A High Performance File explorer made using rust for PC. Support multi-window, tabs, fzf like search, swift folder size compute, hot reload for markdown, html.

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

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Filedime, an open source almost feature complete file explorer written in Rust (for all filesystem interaction,backend), Tauri(for frontend, front-backend intercom).

Features implemented:

  • multi window, open in new window open in right click context menu
  • tabs, open in new tab option in context menu
  • hot reload/ monitor for changes: markdown, html files using the watch button that shows up on previewing the file.
  • search with speed and responsiveness parity with fzf
  • folder size compute with speed and responsiveness parity with baobab(Disk Usage Analyzer).
  • bookmark files or folders.
  • details screen for list sort by date, size.
  • optionally show immediate sub folder count of a folder.
  • recent files list.
  • show image dimension along with file type. (cannot use image crate as it cannot be used on nixos in default preference)
  • move files
  • undo last operation
  • show ramdisk among files (for the time being can bookmark ramdisk)

Subtle features

  • path autocomplete as you type.
  • no of each file type in present location.
  • show name of right click file above context menu
  • show file location on hover
  • show device vendor name on hover
  • LOC for ts, rs, js, java, md ,css, html, toml, etc more can be implemented as required.

Will be added based on demand

  • System Tray icons for opening new window and access recent files.

Thanks Tauri, Typescript, Webpack->RSPack, NextJS, ShadCN

Recommended IDE Setup

Build from source

clone the repo
bun i should use node version 20 in a new terminal window "cargo tauri dev" for testing.
in a new terminal window "cargo tauri build" for making executables (.exe for windows or bin file on linux).

when browsing through code use the extensions listed in extensions.code-profile in vscodium/vscode when building on nixos use the shell.nix file provided if necessary

currently the code may contains lots of comments in rust it will be cleared up in the future.