
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a starting point for JavaScript solutions to the "Build Your Own Redis" Challenge.

In this challenge, you'll build a toy Redis clone that's capable of handling basic commands like PING, SET and GET. Along the way we'll learn about event loops, the Redis protocol and more.

Passing the first stage

The entry point for your Redis implementation is in app/main.js. Study and uncomment the relevant code, and push your changes to pass the first stage:

git add .
git commit -m "pass 1st stage" # any msg
git push origin master

That's all!

Stage 2 & beyond

Note: This section is for stages 2 and beyond.

  1. Ensure you have node (16) installed locally
  2. Run ./spawn_redis_server.sh to run your Redis server, which is implemented in app/main.js.
  3. Commit your changes and run git push origin master to submit your solution to CodeCrafters. Test output will be streamed to your terminal.