
Sample Data Preprocessing, Cleaning and Feature Engineering

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Preprocessing & Cleaning

Sample Data Preprocessing, Cleaning and Feature Engineering

Presentation through a Project

Project 1: House Prices- Advanced Regression Techniques

  • Objective : Predict the sales price for each house. For each Id in the test set, one must predict the value of the SalePrice variable.

Libraries Used

  • NUMPY, pandas, Matplotlib.pyplot, Seaborn


  • train.csv - the training set
  • test.csv - the test set


Data Concatination

  • Training and testing dataset merging

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Check the all data columns and their details

  • Set ID column as Index

  • Show the null values using heatmap attachment:heatmap.png

  • Get the percentages of null value

  • Drop Columns - If the null value % 20 or > 20, Ir has to be dropped

  • Find the unique value count and unique value for each column

  • Describe the target
    Plot the Distribution of Target attachment:distplot.png

  • Generation of Correlation among data columns (Heatmap) attachment:corelation.png

  • Modified Correlation Heatmap for Highly Correlated Features with SalePrice attachment:correlationsalprice.png

  • Plot regplot to get the nature of highly correlated data attachment:regplot.png

Handling Missing Value of Dataset and BSMT, Garage Feature

  • Check for null values
  • Check for BSMT and Garage features and its missing values
  • Check for null values
  • Fill in with NAN values
  • Check shape of data
  • Create a bucket using range
  • Replace NAN value of BsmtFinType2 by mode
  • Handling missing value of remaining features
  • Check for Unique and Nulll values of other features
  • Use Fillna to replace null values
  • Handling missing value of LotFrontage feature

Feature Transformation

  • Convert columns in str which have categorical nature but in int64
  • Convert a time related feature in month abbrevation
  • Creating a list for modified columns

Convert categorical codes into order

  • Define Data Categories
  • Catinate the category codes columnwise
  • Keep unique value columns (Columns with few varieties of value)

Show skewness of features

  • Use Distplot attachment:distplot2.png

  • Decrease the skewnwnes of the data

Dummy Variables

  • Get object feature to convert in numeric using dummy variable
  • Select and drop the dummy variables

Scale Dataset

  • Check Shape of modified data
  • Scale dataset with robust scaler

Machine Learning Model Building

  • Check length of Training dataset
  • Apply k-fold Cross Validation to get the correct patterns from the data

Models applied

  • Linear Regression
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Decision Tree Regressor
  • Random Forest Regressor
  • Bagging & boosting
  • XGBoost

Hyperparameter Tuning

  • RandomizedSearchCV, GridSearchCV for SVM model
  • XGBRegressor for XGBoost

Feature Engineering / Selection to improve accuracy

  • Correlation Barplot for feature Engineering


  • Drop features those are not required
    'YrSold', 'LowQualFinSF', 'MiscVal', 'BsmtHalfBath', 'BsmtFinSF2', '3SsnPorch', 'MoSold'

Run models again after Feature Engineering and Hyperparameter Tuning

Saving the Model

  • Use 'Pickle' to save the model
  • Use the data 'model_house_price_prediction.csv'


  • Support Vector Machine with Accuracy = 90%