
javacc-how to start

  1. go to https://javacc.org and download the JavaCC compiler

  2. Extract the files from the zip file into a directory called C:\javacc- (you can change directory as you want...)

  3. now you have to set path (you need to know full path of javacc) :

    3.1 go to: Power User Task Menu,

    3.2 write Advanced System Settings and press on link

3.3  go to environment variables -> System variables : choose 'path' -> edit -> new 

and now past your path (C:\javacc-5.0\javacc-5.0\bin)

3.4  close the terminal and now you can runnig javacc in your cmd,
  1. in ordet to run javac *.java command you have to set another path - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171\bin -in same path as above .

if this command ins't runnig, you have to install jdk,

so go to : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/pt/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html and dowlwod jdk to your computer (windwos )