
Homework assignment for Cultural data science 2020 course

For this assignment, please submit a page of your journal showing:

  1. Install the 'tidyverse' package and use the read_csv() function to read the SAFI_clean.csv dataset into your R project as 'interviews' digital object;

  2. Take a screenshot of your RStudio (showing both your new 'interviews' object in the Environment, and the .Rproj file in the bottom right Files window) and post it to your repository inside our Github organisation >teams> CDS2020. Place here the link leading to the repository, where you had posted the screenshot of your R project (showing the file structure).

  3. Use R to figure out how many elements in the vector below are greater than 2 . (You need to filter out the NAs first)

rooms <- c(1, 2, 1, 1, NA, 3, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 8, 3, 1, NA, 1) 
  1. Provide the result of the function median() run on the rooms vector.