
This assignment is class assignment 4 for the language analytics class at Aarhus University, 2021.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Assignment for language analytics class at Aarhus University.


Network analysis: creating reusable network analysis pipeline

About the script

This assignment is Class Assignment 4. The purpose of this assignment was to create reusable network analysis pipeline or command-line tool, which enables the script to be run from the command line. This command-line tool takes a given weighted edgelist dataset, providing that edgelist is saved as a CSV with the column headers "nodeA", "nodeB", and performs a simple network analysis. In particular, it builds networks based on entities appearing together in the same documents, which enables us to examine relationships among entities. Moreover, it creates and saves a network visualization and CSV file showing the degree, betweenness, and eigenvector centrality for each node.


The problem of the task relates to creating a reusable network analysis pipeline. To address this problem, I have used NetworkX and Graphviz packages, which are suitable for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. First, using a simple dataframe with nodes and their weights as an input, I have created and saved a network graph with a 'spring model' or 'neato' layout. Afterwards, I have calculated the following centrality measures: degree (the number of edges connected to the node), betweenness centrality and eigenvector centrality. Lastly, I have merged centrality measures dictionaries into a pandas dataframe and saved as CSV file. As a result, this defines a reusable pipline to perform network analysis on any other dataframe (see 'Data' section below).

Repository contents

File Description
data/ Folder containing input data for the script
data/fake_or_real_news.zip archived dataset used to extract named individuals
data/weighted_edgelist.csv input dataset for the script
output/ Folder containing CSV files produced by the scripts
output/network_measures_all_weights.csv calculated centrality measures of all nodes
output/network_measures_weights_500.csv calculated centrality measures of the nodes with a weight higher that 500
src Folder containing the script
src/network.py Network analysis script
viz/ Folder containing PNG network graphs produced by the script
viz/network_viz_all_weights.png network graphs including all nodes
viz/network_viz_weights_500.png network graph including the nodes with a weight higher that 500
LICENSE A software license defining what other users can and can't do with the source code
README.md Description of the assignment and the instructions
create_networks_venv.bash bash file for creating a virtual environmment
kill_networks_venv.bash bash file for removing a virtual environment
requirements.txt list of python packages required to run the script


Data preprocessing

The dataset for the project was created during the following process:

  • Named individuals were extracted from a 'fake_or_real_news' dataset using spaCy
  • The co-occurrence of the named individual pairs were counted and saved as a 'weight' variable

Data structure

The final column structure of the CSV file is the following:

Column Description
nodeA named individual 1
nodeB named individual 2
weight degree of co-occurrence of named individuals in a dataset

This script should be able to take any similarly structured dataset with identical column names as an input.

Intructions to run the code

Code was tested on an HP computer with Windows 10 operating system. It was executed on Jupyter worker02.

Code parameters

Parameter Description
directory (dir) Directory where CSV file is located
node_size (node) Node size in a network graph. Default = 20
font_size (font) Named entities font size in a network graph. Default = 10
weight (w) Cut-off point to filter input data based on a certain edge weight (degree of nodes co-occurence). If not entered, all weights are included



#1 Open terminal on worker02 or locally
#2 Navigate to the environment where you want to clone this repository
#3 Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Rutatu/cds-language_Assignment_4.git 

#4 Navigate to the newly cloned repo
$ cd cds-language_Assignment_4

#5 Create virtual environment with its dependencies and activate it
$ bash create_networks_venv.sh
$ source ./networks/bin/activate

Run the code:

#6 Navigate to the directory of the script
$ cd src

#7 Run the code with default parameters (including all edge weights)
$ python network.py -dir ../data/weighted_edgelist.csv

#8 Run the code filtering input data based on a certain edge weight
$ python network.py -dir ../data/weighted_edgelist.csv -w 500

#9 Run the code with all self-chosen arguments
$ python network.py -dir ../data/weighted_edgelist.csv -node 10 -font 5 -w 500 

#10 To remove the newly created virtual environment
$ bash kill_networks_venv.sh

#11 To find out all possible arguments for the script
$ python network.py --help

I hope it worked!


This assignment showed how NetworkX can be used to perform a simple network analysis on entities appearing together in the same documents. The resulting script can be used as a reusable pipeline to perform similar network analyses on similar datasets. Such analyses can inform us about the underlying structure and dynamics of the relationships between individuals.