
Provides users with the ability to reach out to operations or repairs department regarding repair or maintenance requests and monitor the status of their request.

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

Coverage Status


  1. Users can create an account and log in.
  2. The users should be able to make maintenance or repairs request.
  3. An admin should be able to approve/reject a repair/maintenance request.
  4. The admin should be able to mark request as resolved once it is done.
  5. The admin should be able to view all maintenance/repairs requests on the application.
  6. The admin should be able to filter requests.
  7. The user can view all his/her requests.


HTTP Method URI Action
GET /api/v2/requests/ Admin retrieve list of requests
PUT /api/v2/auth/admin Admin upgrade normal user to admin
PUT /api/v2/requests/[requestId]/resolve Admin resolve request
PUT /api/v2/requests/[requestId]/approve Admin approve request
PUT /api/v2/requests/[requestId]/disapprove Admin disapprove request
GET /api/v2/requests/[request_id] Retrieve a request
POST /api/v2/users/requests Create a new request
GET /api/v2/users/requests Get all user requests
PUT /api/v2/requests/[request_id] Update an existing request
DELETE /api/v2/requests/[request_id] Delete an existing request
POST /api/v2/auth/signup/ Register a user
POST /api/v2/auth/login/ Log in User
GET /api/v2/signout Signout User

Testing the Endpoints

1.Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/RuthNjeri/Maintenance-Tracker-Application.git
2.Create a virtual environment virtualenv project-env
3.Activate the virtual environmentsource project-env/bin/activate and navigate to the application root folder /Maintenance-Tracker-Application
4.Install the requirements pip install requirements.txt
5.Create a database named maintenanceapp using postgresql
6.Run the application python run.py
7.Test the endpoints using Postman


1. Sign Up User

sign up

2. Login User

Log in

3. Logged in user can create a request


4. Logged in user can get all their requests


5. Logged in user can get a specific request


6. Logged in user can edit a request


7. Logged in user can delete a request without a status


8. An admin can view all users requests


9. An admin can change status of a request


UI Tasks Screenshots

1. Sign Up Page

2. Sign In Page

3. A Page For The Admin To View All User Requests

4. A Page Where An Admin Can Respond To All User Requests

5. A Page For The User To View All Their Requests

6. A Page For The User To Create Requests

Testing using Unittest

1.Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/RuthNjeri/Maintenance-Tracker-Application.git
2.Create a virtual environment virtualenv project-env
3.Activate the virtual environmentsource project-env/bin/activate and navigate to the application root folder /Maintenance-Tracker-Application
4.Install the requirements pip install requirements.txt
5.Create a database named maintenanceapp using postgresql
6.Test the application using the command pytest