
Overview This machine learning project aims to predict crime rates in Chicago using the Prophet forecasting tool. By leveraging historical crime data, the model forecasts future crime rates, providing valuable insights for law enforcement and city planning.

Table of Contents

About the Project





About the Project

Describe your project here. Discuss the motivation, objectives, and any specific challenges or goals you aimed to address. Highlight the significance of predicting crime rates in Chicago and how it contributes to public safety and urban planning.


Explain the data used in the project. Provide information on the dataset, its source, and any preprocessing steps performed. If possible, include a sample of the dataset to give users an idea of its structure.


Provide instructions on how to install the required dependencies and set up the project environment. This may include Python packages, libraries, or any other tools necessary to run the code successfully.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Explain how users can run and interact with the project. Include examples of command-line usage, input formats, and any configuration settings. If applicable, provide sample code snippets to demonstrate key functionalities.



Share the key findings and results of your crime rate predictions. Include visualizations, graphs, or any other representations that help communicate the outcomes of your machine learning model. Discuss any insights gained and potential applications.