
Hacked together at RailsCamp Perth 2010. Perhaps someday DirtyMUD will be more awesome and less dirty.

Primary LanguageRuby

DirtyMUD was hacked together at RailsCamp Perth 2010.  It's not super awesome yet, and might not ever be.  But, I played a lot of MUDs back in high school and hacking on DirtyMUD was a fun diversion for the weekend.  Who knows, someday, it might get more development love.

Running the server: ruby run_server.rb
Connecting: telnet localhost 4000

Building the world: edit world/rooms.yml
Adding items: edit world/items.yml



Main Contributors:
- Gabe Hollombe (gabehollombe)
- Greg Tangey (ruxton)

Special Thanks:
- Keith Pitt (keithpitt)
- Richard Khoo (evolve2k)