
The implementation of the paper 'CheckerPose: Progressive Dense Keypoint Localization for Object Pose Estimation with Graph Neural Network' (ICCV2023).

Primary LanguagePython


The implementation of the paper 'CheckerPose: Progressive Dense Keypoint Localization for Object Pose Estimation with Graph Neural Network' (ICCV2023). ArXiv


System Requirement

Tested Environment

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • CUDA 11.1
  • Python 3.6

Main Dependencies:

Data preparation

  1. Download the dataset from BOP benchmark

  2. For LM dataset, please download additional data following GDR-Net

  3. We use farthest point sampling (FPS) method to obtain the dense keypoints. We provide the sampled results in checkerpose/datasets/BOP_DATASETS/(dataset_name)/fps_202212. We also provide the source codes in checkerpose/preprocess_data to generate the results:

python get_fps_points.py -dataset lmo -npoint_log2 12

The generated FPS points will be saved to fps_202212 folder of the corresponding dataset, e.g. lmo/fps_202212. The .pkl file saves three keys: npoint, id, and xyz (unit is mm).

  1. The expected data structure:

        ├── lm
        ├── lmo   
        └── ycbv/
            ├── fps_202212
            ├── models
            ├── models_eval
            ├── models_fine
            ├── test
            ├── train_pbr
            ├── train_real
            └── ...               #(other files from BOP page)
    ├── lm_imgn  # the OpenGL rendered images for LM, 1k/obj
    ├── VOCdevkit  # background images, used only in LM
  2. Download the 3 pretrained resnet provided by ZebraPose, save them under checkerpose/pretrained_backbone/resnet.

  3. (Optional) We use checkerpose/preprocess_data/get_overall_visibility.py to compute the self-occlusion measure discussed in Section 3.5.

  4. Since our binary codes are computed online, there is no need to produce additional ground truth data for training.


  1. For LMO dataset, adjust the paths in the config files, and pretrain the part that generates the low level bits with pretrain.py, e.g.

python pretrain.py --cfg config/lmo/init_gnn2_hrnetw18_npt512.txt --obj_name ape

  1. For YCBV dataset, use convert_cfg_lmo_to_ycbv.py to convert the configs from LMO dataset, e.g.

python convert_cfg_lmo_to_ycbv.py -cfg init_gnn2_hrnetw18_npt512

And then run pretrain.py similar to LMO.

  1. For LM dataset, since we train a single pose estimator for all 13 objects, we use a modified script to pretrain:

python pretrain_lm.py --cfg config/lm/init_gnn2_hrnetw18_npt512_lm.txt


(update 2023/09/04) we upload the trained models in Google Drive.

  1. For LMO dataset, adjust the paths in the config files, and train the network with train.py, e.g.

python train.py --cfg config/lmo/hr18GNN2_res6_gnn3Skip_mlpQuery.txt --obj_name ape

The script will save the last 3 checkpoints and the best checkpoint, as well as tensorboard log.

  1. For YCBV dataset, use convert_cfg_lmo_to_ycbv.py to convert the configs from LMO dataset, e.g.

python convert_cfg_lmo_to_ycbv.py -cfg hr18GNN2_res6_gnn3Skip_mlpQuery

And then run train.py similar to LMO.

  1. For LM dataset, since we train a single pose estimator for all 13 objects, we use a modified script to train:

python train_lm.py --cfg config/lm/hr18GNN2_res6_gnn3Skip_mlpQuery_lm.txt

Test with trained model

(update 2023/09/04) we upload the trained models in Google Drive.

For LMO/YCBV, run

python test.py --cfg config/lmo/hr18GNN2_res6_gnn3Skip_mlpQuery.txt --obj_name ape --ckpt_file path/to/the/best/checkpoint --eval_output_path path/to/save/the/evaluation/report --use_progressivex

For LM, run

python test_lm.py --cfg config/lm/hr18GNN2_res6_gnn3Skip_mlpQuery_lm.txt --ckpt_file path/to/the/best/checkpoint --eval_output_path path/to/save/the/evaluation/report --use_progressivex


Some code are adapted from Pix2Pose, SingleShotPose, GDR-Net, and ZebraPose.


  title={CheckerPose: Progressive Dense Keypoint Localization for Object Pose Estimation with Graph Neural Network},
  author={Lian, Ruyi and Ling, Haibin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16874},