
External overlay using GLFW and ImGUI

Primary LanguageC

Imgur Image


An external overlay which uses GLFW and ImGUI for drawing


Will configure the window to be top-most, transparent, and borderless. When toggling the overlay, mouse passthrough and the GUI is toggled. Keyboard input is captured using the device /dev/input/eventN where N is for the keyboard device. Sudo/root privledges are required to capture input.

Using as library

Example using LinuxOverlay with your project

#include "Overlay.h"

int main(int, char**)
    Overlay overlay;
    if (overlay.isInitialized)
    return 0;

And for your function

void YourImGuiFunction()
    //Do all your magic here :)

Interface Usage

Run as sudo. The overlay will start in window set mode. Use the arrowkeys and numpad to adjust. Then spacebar to set.

Imgur Image

Press insert key to toggle the overlay.


Uses Meson with Ninja to build.

Standalone build

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

Then Run

sudo ./builddir/LinuxOverlay

Use as library for your project

Your project needs a meson_options.txt and a meson.build file in it's root directory.

In meson_options.txt:

option('LinuxOverlayBuildType', type : 'combo', value : 'dependency', choices: ['standalone', 'dependency'])

In meson.build:

LinuxOverlayLib = subproject('LinuxOverlay').get_variable('LinuxOverlayDep')

yourIncs = include_directories('.', './include')

ImGUIinc = subproject('ImGUI').get_variable('imguiInc')  # will be pulled by LinuxOverlay
glfwInc = subproject('glfw').get_variable('glfwIncs')    # will be pulled by ImGUI

files = files(

executable('MyExe', files, include_directories : [yourIncs, ImGUIinc, glfwInc], dependencies : [LinuxOverlayLib] )