Build Status

Website for projects that support RxSwift.

Adding a new project

The site is generated from this file; add new projects there in YAML format.

When adding a new GitHub repository, there is no need to manually set stargazers, watchers or updated_at since these are updated automatically. Your basic "item" should look like so and be added to the appropriate section:

- name: YourProject
  repo: YourOrganization/YourProject
  description: A description of your project

If you get stuck, just open an issue!


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Clone it locally.
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Use middleman and browse to localhost:4567 to preview changes.
  5. Open a PR 🎉 targeting the source branch


Deploying is handled automatically when a commit is made to the source branch.


Thanks to this project for the bootstrap theme.