Trade Matching Algorithm


This Python script processes a list of trades, matches buy and sell trades, and calculates the remaining unmatched trades. It uses a stack-based approach to handle unmatched buy trades and matches them with sell trades in reverse order. The results, including matched trades and remaining unmatched buys, are printed to the console.

Code Explanation

Trade Data

The trades list contains dictionaries representing individual trades. Each dictionary has the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier for the trade.
  • side: Either "Buy" or "Sell".
  • avg_fill: Average fill price of the trade.
  • formatted_filled: Quantity of the trade, initially multiplied by 10,000,000 for precision.

Processing Steps

  1. Adjust Quantity Precision: Each trade's formatted_filled value is scaled by multiplying it by 10,000,000 for precision in calculations.

  2. Initialize Stacks and Counters:

    • buy_stack: A stack to keep track of unmatched buy trades.
    • matches: A list to store matched trades.
    • quantity_buys, quantity_sells, quantity_remainder: Counters for total buy quantities, sell quantities, and remaining quantities.
  3. Match Trades:

    • Iterate through the trades in reverse order.
    • For "Buy" trades, add the trade to buy_stack and update quantity_buys.
    • For "Sell" trades, attempt to match with trades from buy_stack. Update quantity_sells and record matches.
  4. Output Results:

    • Print matched trades.
    • Print remaining unmatched buy trades.
    • Print total buys, sells, and remaining quantities.


trades = [
    {"id": 1, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 65888.70, "formatted_filled": 0.00600000},
    {"id": 2, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 64309.50, "formatted_filled": 0.00200000},
    {"id": 3, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 63367.40, "formatted_filled": 0.00200000},
    {"id": 4, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 62831.10, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000},
    {"id": 5, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 58652.20, "formatted_filled": 0.00800000},
    {"id": 6, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 58901.30, "formatted_filled": 0.00300000},
    {"id": 7, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 58695.50, "formatted_filled": 0.00200000},
    {"id": 8, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 58725.60, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000},
    {"id": 9, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 58746.80, "formatted_filled": 0.00800000},
    {"id": 10, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 56917.00, "formatted_filled": 0.00300000},
    {"id": 11, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 55500.00, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000},
    {"id": 12, "side": "Sell", "avg_fill": 57862.50, "formatted_filled": 0.00900000},
    {"id": 13, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 54198.10, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000},
    {"id": 14, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 57167.20, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000},
    {"id": 15, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 60319.70, "formatted_filled": 0.00300000},
    {"id": 16, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 56500.00, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000},
    {"id": 17, "side": "Buy", "avg_fill": 61580.40, "formatted_filled": 0.00400000}

quantity_buys = 0
quantity_sells = 0
quantity_remainder = 0

# Stack to keep track of unmatched buys
for trade in trades:
    trade['formatted_filled'] *= 10000000

buy_stack = []
matches = []

# Loop through trades in reversed order
for trade in reversed(trades):
    if trade['side'] == 'Buy':
        quantity_buys += trade['formatted_filled']
    elif trade['side'] == 'Sell':
        quantity_sells += trade['formatted_filled']
        sell_trade_id = trade['id']
        sell_matches = []
        while trade['formatted_filled'] > 0 and buy_stack:
            buy_trade = buy_stack[-1]
            buy_trade_id = buy_trade['id']

            if buy_trade['formatted_filled'] > trade['formatted_filled']:
                matched_quantity = trade['formatted_filled']
                buy_trade['formatted_filled'] -= matched_quantity
                trade['formatted_filled'] = 0
                matched_quantity = buy_trade['formatted_filled']
                trade['formatted_filled'] -= matched_quantity

            sell_matches.append((buy_trade_id, matched_quantity))

        matches.append((sell_trade_id, sell_matches))

    quantity_remainder = quantity_buys - quantity_sells

# Print matches
for sell_id, sell_matches in matches:
    print(f"Sell Trade ID: {sell_id}")
    for buy_id, quantity in sell_matches:
        print(f"  Matched with Buy Trade ID: {buy_id}, Quantity: {quantity / 10000000:.3f}")

# Print remaining unmatched buys
for buy_trade in buy_stack:
    print(f"Unmatched Buy Trade ID: {buy_trade['id']}, Quantity: {buy_trade['formatted_filled'] / 10000000:.3f}")

print(f"Buys:  {quantity_buys / 10000000: .8f}")
print(f"Sells:  {quantity_sells / 10000000: .8f}")
print(f"Quantity remaining:  {quantity_remainder / 10000000:.8f}")

Trade Results

Matched Trades

Sell Trade ID Buy Trade ID Quantity (BTC)
12 13 0.004
12 14 0.004
12 15 0.001
9 10 0.003
9 11 0.004
9 15 0.001
8 15 0.001
8 16 0.003
7 16 0.001
7 17 0.001
6 17 0.003
4 5 0.004
3 5 0.002
2 5 0.002

Unmatched Buys

Buy Trade ID Quantity (BTC)
1 0.006


Description Quantity (BTC)
Total Buys 0.04000000
Total Sells 0.03400000
Quantity Remaining 0.00600000

Running the Script

To run this script, follow these steps:

  1. Save the script to a file named

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the directory containing

  4. Run the script using Python 3:


The script will output the matched trades, unmatched buys, and the summary of total buys, sells, and remaining quantities.