This repository showcases the hardware engineering work for the MDP project at NTU. The project is designed to control the movement and turning of a robot using an STM32 microcontroller and a Raspberry Pi. The code includes a PID controller for precise turning and movement, as well as support for input from external devices like an Android tablet. The Raspberry Pi also integrates a camera to capture images and communicate with a computer vision server.
- Precise control of robot movement using PID controllers
- Turning and movement commands through UART communication
- Support for different movement directions:
- Forward
- Backward
- Forward Left
- Forward Right
- Backward Left
- Backward Right
- Center calibration and open-loop movement support
- Gyroscope integration for accurate angle measurements
- Raspberry Pi integration for camera and ultrasonic sensor support
- Communication with an Android tablet for starting the robot and monitoring its progress
- robotTurnPID(float *targetAngle, int direction): Turns the robot using a PID controller to achieve the desired angle based on gyroscope readings. The function takes a pointer to the target angle and a direction flag (0 for left, 1 for right). chassisTask(void *argument): Main control task for the robot's movement. It reads commands from a message queue, decodes the commands, and controls the motors and servos accordingly.
- HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart): UART receive complete callback function, triggered when a command is received through UART. It processes the received command and puts it into the message queue for the chassisTask function to handle. and other helper functions.
Raspberry Pi:
- capture_and_send(): Captures an image using the PiCamera and sends it to a computer vision server for processing.
- get_distance(): Measures the distance between the robot and an obstacle using an ultrasonic sensor.
- movement_task(): Main function for controlling the robot's movement based on the CV server's response and ultrasonic sensor readings.
- approach_obstacle_and_advance(target_distance, dash_distance, back_conpensate): Approaches an obstacle and advances the robot based on the provided parameters.
- Task-specific functions for different movement scenarios.
- Communication functions for sending commands to the STM32 and Android tablet.