
Arya's dotfiles repo

Primary LanguageShell


i3WM Dotfiles

My personal Dotfiles using i3WM (For now), for my low-spec laptop
Because of i'm using 40% & 60% keyboad, all of my Keybind is on main board

  • Keybind
    mod: Super key
Key Function
Mod + h/j/k/l Switch between windows
Mod + Shift + h/j/k/l Move windows
Mod + p Screenshot entire screen
Mod + Control + p Screenshot active window
Mod + Shift + p Screenshot choosen screen
Mod + Control + j/k Play/Pause music
Mod + Control + h/l Nex/Prev music
Mod + m Launch music player
Mod + Shift + w Launch web browser
Mod + Control + w Launch second web browser
Mod + Shift + f Launch file manager
Mod + 1~0 Switch workspace
Mod + Shift + 1~0 Send active window to selected workspace
Mod + q Close selected window
Mod + Shift + e Log out
Mod + n Launch network manager
Mod + d Launch search application
Mod + , Volume Down
Mod + . Volume Up
Mod + < Brightness Down
Mod + > Brightness Up
Mod + [ Previous song spotify
Mod + ] Next song spotify
Mod + \ Play and pause song in spotify
Mod + ; Move workspace to left monitor
Mod + ' Move workspace to right monitor
Mod + : Move workspace to top monitor
Mod + " Move workspace to bottom monitor
  • Application
Name Function
Ranger File manager
Picom Compositor
Pulseaudio Audio
Alsautils Audio
MPD Music player daemon
Bumblebee Statusbar
Scrot Screenshot
Acpilight Backlight
DMenu App launcher
Networkmanager_dmenu Network manager
Feh Image viewer
NekoVim My customized neovim config for text editor
Alacritty Terminal emulator
Qutebrowser Browser