
Neovim distribution, IDE wannabe

Primary LanguageLua

🐱 Neko Vim (Nvim) 🐱


Installation 💻 Keymaps ⌨️

Neovim distribution created by Lua programming language
Why i'm using Neko as name? It's simple because when it combine, the name turns into Nvim haha! (damn weebs)

NOW i've done some refactoring to make it faster from 700ms to around 150ms.

Installation 💻

  • Linux and MacOS
bash <(curl -s https://github.com/RyaWcksn/Neko-Vim/install.sh)

Features 🔥

  • Depedencies :

    • NodeJs
    • Pip
    • Python
  • Features :

    • Lsp for Golang, Python, Javascript, Typescript, Php, Bash, Html, Css, C, C++
    • Live grep
    • Git integration
    • Org mode and Vim wiki for note taking
    • Images using Telescope
    • Termux integration

How to use ❓

It's just basic typical neovim configuration just like other
Y for copy whole line, y for copy, p for paste, h/j/k/l for movement, etc
You can refer to this mapping page for specifics commands mapping keys

Screenshoots 📸

  • Git

I'm using LazyGit for my git related stuff
Cherry-picking, commits, push, pull, etc

  • Global file search

Global file search just like Ctrl/Cmd + p in VSCode

  • LSP

I'm using vim-cmp as completion plugin
and Luasnip as snippet plugin
also with friendly-snippets for my snippets management

There's also included Lsp-signature for nice touch in the code!

  • LSP Language

For the language server, i'm using nvim-lsp-installer, you can look at there how to install language server

Future development 🌍

Feature Status
Debugging On Progress
Work in termux Done