💵 Bet Generator

Bet generator is a project that allows you to make bets and get results from these bets made on the same day. Created in NodeJS, and the communication happens through REST APIs.

Project Structure

  • ./src/middlewares/verifyNumbers.js: Verify all numbers betted accordingly with the game rules.

  • ./src/controller.js: Are all functions that communicate with the database through the Model.

  • ./src/functions: This folder includes some auxiliary functions of the controller that are separated for better reuse.


HostName: https://bet-generator-three.vercel.app

Get all bets

  GET /allBets

New bet

  POST /saveBet
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Your name.
bet array Required. Your numbers between 1 at 60, array length is max 15 and min 6.

Generate result

  GET /generateResult
Parameter Type Description
prize number Case you want to put the prize value (prize standard value is 10.000).

Clean bets

  DELETE /cleanBets