Submitted to ETHDenver 2021 (won Open Track finalist, Textile, DAOHaus, and IPFS prizes).

Devfolio link:


NFTea Token

  • Deploy the contract


  • Deploy DAO through DAOHaus
  • Set period length and voting periods etc to a couple minutes at most
  • Whitelist the NFTea token
  • Mint NFTea to the DAO


  • Modified Minion contract to include paymentRequested and sharesRequested as part of proposeAction
  • Deploy blank Minion first
  • Deploy MinionFactory with template = address(Minion) second
  • Call summonMinion on MinionFactory
  • Fund some ETH to minion
  • Call proposalId := proposeAction
  • DAO proposalIdx := sponsorProposal submitVote(proposalIdx) and processProposal(proposalIdx)
  • Call executeAction(proposalId)