
2D Collision Simulator written in python, displayed using Matplotlib

Primary LanguagePython

2D Collision Simulator

Collisions' Gif


This project is a simple 2D collision simulator to test elastic and inelastic collision physics.

This project is meant as a minimal working example that can be extended to include more complex forces.

What's Implemented

Parameters like the coefficient of restitution, collision detection and video generation are implemented.

How to use


This project depends on matplotlib and numpy, and also requires having ffmpeg installed on your computer.

To install matplotlib and numpy: pip install matplotlib numpy

To install ffmpeg go to: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html and follow the relevant steps.

Running the program

First, make sure to modify the parameter:


in the simulator.py code with the path to your ffmpeg installation.

Then, simply run python3 simulator.py to run the program. The output video will be saved as an mp4 video.