
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Neural Networks Interpreting Neural Networks


Clone the repository and cd into it.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install https://github.com/IDSIA/sacred/archive/refs/tags/0.8.3.tar.gz   # Required for Python 3.10 compatibility, if lower python version then any sacred works.

To get JAX+cuda working, you may need to run the following:

pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html

Run the following:

pip install optax
pip install jax jaxlib dm-haiku
python data.py with n_nets=100

To train 100 neural nets with Adam and 100 neural nets with SGD. This command may run slowly the first time it is run on account of needing to download MNIST to data/.

This takes around 1-2 minutes to run with a 3090 GPU, and trains all 100 nets in parallel. You can use the following if you want to train fewer nets (e.g. because you're training on CPU/with less GPU memory)

python data.py with n_nets=100 n_parallel=10

These nets are saved in data/.

Once you've trained the 200 total nets, you can test how well we can learn to distinguish the optimizers.

python main.py with n_data=200

Past experiments are saved by sacred into results/.