
A webcrawler with 2 different implementations

Primary LanguagePython

A Webcrawler

A basic webcrawler that performs these steps starting with a root url:

  1. Finds all urls in the root url
  2. In each of these urls, finds all urls
  3. Adds all unique urls to a structure
  4. Outputs 100 unique urls

2 Implementations

A basic webcrawler (basic_webcrawler.py)

A basic implementation of a webcrawler that extracts unique urls from a starting url, and so on.

Features Include

  • This crawler obeys robots.txt to scrape urls that can be scraped.
  • This crawler makes use of a threadpool to maximise use of the machine's resources.
  • At the end of the file basic_webcrawler.py, a short experiment comparing the execution times of the program with 3 different threadpool sizes are shown, and the average execution time calculated.
  • By default, the threadpool with the lowest execution time is chosen.

A pagerank webcrawler (pagerank_webcrawler.py)

What better way to make use of the data available with this task than to find some way to sort these URLs in a special order. Thankfully, the pagerank algorithm exists, and is what I have chosen to use in this implementation of a webcrawler.

This crawler calculates the pageranks of each url in the 100 urls. It then sorts the urls in descending order of its pagerank, and prints it. It also obeys robots.txt to ensure that a website is scraped if it is allowed, just like the basic webcrawler implementation.

Features Include

  • Obeys robots.txt to scrape urls that can be scraped.
  • Keeps track of all outbound links and the number of inbound links for each url, which enables the calculation of each url's pagerank.
  • Prints the urls in decreasing order of pageranks, hence showing the url with most importance first.