This is a lambda function designed to give you an idea of price movements of your securities for the following purposes:
- Researching stocks current market value versus their historical highs
- Monitoring your portfolio assets versus some historical period
- Useful info when seeking to sell at a 'high' and buy at a 'low'
The setup is designed to be deployed on AWS using three services:
- Lambda with 2 environment variables:
- SNS_TOPIC: string value of the AWS SNS topic which your email or phone is subscribed to for this function.
- PERIOD: string value, valid periods: 1d,5d,1mo,3mo,6mo,1y,2y,5y,10y,ytd,max
- SNS Topic: You will subscribe your email to the SNS Topic.
- Cloudwatch Event Trigger: This will be how you trigger the function at the close of the NYSE each day. use cron(30 20 ? * MON-FRI *) for a thirty minute buffer.
Simply add or remove assets from the stock_tickers.txt file to adjust which securities you'd like to get updates on.
If you've never built a lambda -> SNS widget before, you can start with a tutorial here.
An example email looks like this:
Happy Hunting!