
Generate AI created images by prompts or by using your webcam to create variations of yourself.

Primary LanguagePython


Generate AI created images by prompts or by using your webcam to create variations of yourself.

This is a fun project that I created when I realized that I had access to DALL-E via API. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python (python3) main.py
  4. Update with your OPEN AI API key here https://github.com/RyanBurnsworth/PicMystic/blob/master/utils/constants.py#L39
  5. Choose a menu option. If choosing option 0, have your webcam connected (if you have issues try changing the value on line: https://github.com/RyanBurnsworth/PicMystic/blob/master/services/face_detector.py#L23
  6. If you choose option 1, you may enter a prompt to receive 5 images generated by variations of your prompt