
the most important part is that it optimized the "formmail.php" by making it could send email from gmail system (and here the filename's changed into "member_apply.php")

Primary LanguagePHP

The core technique here is that we use the "formmail.php" script to send mails by all the form fields contents automatically.
And we optimized the "formmail.php" into "memeber_apply.php" that it could send mails by GMAIL mailing system, that could avoid
our out emails be "spammed".
The key files are:
MerchantRegistration.htm--hold all the fields that could be sent by member_apply.php
memeber_apply.php--optimized from "formmail.php" script, and will send email by GMAIL mailing system
thanks.html--will show right after an email was successfully sent out
error.html--will show right after there is any error while sending an email out