- Install:
git clone https://github.com/RyanDaDeng/elmo-hr-suite.git
install laravel and project 2.1 use .env.example to create a .env file 2.2 set up db connection in .env 2.3 run composer install --vvv 2.4 set up a local server to connect the project, link to /project/public folder 2.5 access the local server, you may be required to set up a key when you access the server
download ngrok - an online distributed server to connect with your local server https://ngrok.com/ 3.1 run ./ngrok http -host-header=rewrite {your local server name}:{your local server port} 3.2 copy Forwarding https link from terminal
Go to Slack App Directory: https://api.slack.com/apps
Watch Youtube video for the rest steps: https://youtu.be/UMYXxCWdMeE (chang it to 720p)