
A C# web application to gain insightful words of wisdom from the mind of Jeff Goldblum

By Ryan Walker, Sammai Gutierrez, James Wyn, Michael Burton, Carlos Mendez


This application will allow users to be presented with a random thought, a curated thought based upon a searched keyword, and chaotic thought all from the mind of Jeff Goldblum. The application utilizes two separate API calls, one to return quotes and one to return words that are similar to a searched keyword.

Setup and Use


  • .NET 5 SDK
  • A text editor like VS Code
  • A command line interface like Terminal or GitBash to run and interact with the app.
  • Acquire the word-finding API key from Datamuse by registering an account here.

Installation for Client App

  1. Clone the repository: $ git clone
  2. Navigate to the AdviceGenerator.Solution/ directory on your computer
  3. Open with your preferred text editor to view the code base
  4. To run the app:
    • Navigate to AdviceGenerator.Solution/AdviceGenerator in your command line
    • Once in the AdviceGenerator folder, make a file called 'EnvironmentVariables.cs'
    • Add the following content to 'EnvironmentVariables.cs' with your own API key without the squared brackets:
      namespace AdviceGenerator.Models
          public static class EnvironmentVariables
              public static string ApiKey = "[YOUR-API-KEY-HERE]";
    • Run the command dotnet restore to restore the dependencies that are listed in the .csproj
    • Run the command dotnet build to build the project and its dependencies into a set of binaries
    • Finally, run the command dotnet run to run the project!
    • Note: dotnet run also restores and builds the project, so you can use this single command to start the app
    • View the application via your preferred web browser by visiting localhost:5003/

Known Bugs

There were no bugs found

Technologies Used

  • ASP .NET Core MVC
  • C#
  • VS Code
  • Entity Framework Core
  • LINQ
  • Json.NET - Newtonsoft
  • RestSharp
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • GitHub
  • Datamuse API
  • TheySaidSo API



Copyright (c) 2021 Ryan Walker, Sammai Gutierrez, James Wyn, Michael Burton, Carlos Mendez

Contact Information

Please reach out via GitHub