
This is an example of a table used to document endpoints in an API project


This is an example of a table used to document endpoints in an API project

API Endpoints

Method URL Example Result Params
GET localhost:3000/ localhost:3000/ Returns a list of all quotes in the database None required
GET localhost:3000/quotes localhost:3000/quotes Returns a list of all quotes in the database None required
GET localhost:3000/quotes/:id localhost:3000/quotes/38 Returns all information related to quote with ID=38 :id - The id of a particular quote (required)
GET http://localhost:3000/quotes/search/:author http://localhost:3000/quotes/search/?author=Abraham Lincoln Returns all quotes in database where author is Abraham Lincoln :author - An author's name
GET http://localhost:3000/quotes/search/:content http://localhost:3000/quotes/search/?content=Four score... Returns quote with content "Four score..." :content - The content of a quote
GET http://localhost:3000/quotes/random http://localhost:3000/quotes/random Returns a random quote from the database None required
POST http://localhost:3000/quotes/ http://localhost:3000/quotes/?author=Abraham Lincoln&content=Four score... Adds quote to database. Author:Abraham Lincoln, Content: "Four score...". If POST is succesfull, returns database object for newly created quote. :author - The author's name (required), :content - The content of a quote (required)
PUT/PATCH http://localhost:3000/quotes/:id http://localhost:3000/quotes/38?author=Joe Biden Updates the author for a quote with ID=38. If PUT/PATCH is succesfull, returns database object for newly updated quote. :id - id of the quote to update (required), :author - The author's name And/or :content - The content of a quote
DELETE http://localhost:3000/quotes/:id http://localhost:3000/quotes/38 Deletes the quote with ID=38 from database :id - id of the quote to delete