
This is a template that contains a working environment for npm, webpack, jest, eslint, and babel

Primary LanguageHTML

npm Template

created by Ryan Duff


I am template a for a project that uses npm, webpack, eslint, babel and jest among others.See package.json for details. This template incorporates jQuery and Bootstrap.

Setup Requirements

Note: *this project is confirmed to work with Node versions 16, 18, 20.

  1. Clone project repo.
  2. Navigate to project folder via Terminal.
  3. If you do not intend to use a .env file he dependency "dotenv-webpack": "^2.0.0" should be removed from package.json
  4. If you do not intend to use Bootstrap in your project the dependencies "bootstrap": "^4.5.0" and "popper.js": "^1.16.1" should be removed from package.json
  5. Update the name, description and author properties in package.json to reflect the new project.
  6. Update the title property on line 20 of webpack.config.js to reflect new project title.
  7. Update the <title> element on line 5 of src/index.html to reflect new project title.
  8. Remove boilerplate html, css and js content.
  9. From the command line run npm install to install all dependencies.
  10. npm run start to start a live server.

Tech Used

  • Node Package Manager
  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Jest
  • Eslint
  • Bootstrap

Known Bugs


MIT License, copyright Ryan Duff (c) 2020