This is a tiny lisp. No use case yet, just building it for fun. It can currently only parse polish mathematical grammar with the four basic operations, separated with parentheses to an infinite depth. It can compile across UNIX OSes (discluding MacOS,) but with reduced history and line-editing functionality on Windows. Uses the astyle
program invoked as astyle -A3 rml.c
to enforce K&R formatting.
- Look into ValGrind
On a whim, I've decided to use clang-format
as my code formatter, but upon
running it, found it uses two spaces for indentation. No matter - I made the
following tweaks to my .vimrc
to account for this.
autocmd FileType c call SetCOptions()
function SetCOptions()
nnoremap <F8> :w<cr> :! clear && gcc % && clear && ./a.out<cr>
nnoremap <F7> :w<cr> :! clear && clang-format -i % && echo "Formatted."<cr>
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2