This package is NuGet Manager with GUI;
- Select project
Right-Click a project file(*.csproj, *fsporj or *.vbproj), and select 'NuGet Manager' from context menu.
Then Package Manager view is shown.
Installed packages is disolaied at upper. Find NugGet server packages is displayed at lower.
Then Package Manager view is shown.
Installed packages is disolaied at upper. Find NugGet server packages is displayed at lower.
- Add ackage
Input parts of package name in the textbox at middle, and click the the find button.
Finded packages is shown at the area under the textbox. Select the pachake to want to add and version(at first selected latest stable version), and click add button.
Finded packages is shown at the area under the textbox. Select the pachake to want to add and version(at first selected latest stable version), and click add button.
- Update package version
Select the package in installed packages, and select the version. And click the update button.
- Delete package
Select the package in installed packages, and click the delete button.
Set NuGet server URL.(default value is '')
- 0.0.5
Fixed cant listed when prelelease compornent existed.
- 0.0.4
Fixed sometimes illegal dialog position.
- 0.0.3
Support localizasion ja and en.
- 0.0.2
Fix bugs.
- 0.0.1
Initial release of NuGet GUI Manager.